Despite looking a little different to your average slings – these sewn cord slings from Edelrid offer something different from the usual dyneema webbing. For a start they are very strong (rated to 22kN) and much more abrasion resistant than dyneema. They are also far stiffer than dyneema webbing, making them great for poking through threads – particluarly one handed whilst on the lead!
Aramid fibers are a class of heat-resistant, super strong synthetic fibers. For this reason, they are often used in aerospace and military applications as well as for ballistic rated body armour fabric – so they are extremely tough!
Aramid is spun as a multifilament by a proprietary process developed by DuPont. Aramid fibres have good resistance to abrasion and organic solvents do not start to melt or burn until they reach 500°C. Kevlar, much used in body armour, is one example of an aramid.
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